The club, pub and casino industry in Australia are leaders in integrating emerging technologies – developing strategies and reinforcing decisions using the large amounts of customer data to help improve the customer experience. This combination leaves the industry vulnerable to hackers looking for large databases of personal information.

Just this year we have seen a major security incident involving a sign in system that impacted several large clubs in NSW and the ACT. While the hackers in this case were caught, it is believed that the personal information of patrons may have been compromised. Last year a major hack in casinos in Tasmania closed their venues for several days while they tried to contain the data breach.

The operational costs are considerable, but the reputational damage compromises our customers trust and will damage opportunities to introduce new technology, such as cashless gaming.

Specialist Industry Cyber Security division

After working closely with ClubsNSW Cyber Team to investigate and report on the recent third-party security compromise involving a venue sign in system, SECOM decided to tackle this problem head on and has created a specialist Cyber Security division to assist industry in handling all security requirements to help prevent future compromises.

The new division is based in Australia with Senior Level Network and Security Engineers specialising in:

  • Cyber Security incident response & remediation
  • Network Security vulnerability scanning and penetration testing
  • Cyber Security incident forensics and reporting
  • Third party vendor security management and infrastructure design.
  • 24/7 security operations monitoring and intervention centre.
  • Implementation of ASIC recommended Cyber Security standards, including the Essential 8 Maturity Model developed by the Australian Signals Directorate
  • Advanced Office 365 Security implementation and SOC monitoring.
  • Specialised certified Firewall Engineers implement latest standards for perimeter security.

As specialists in clubs and hotel network security, SECOM understand the large number of IoT devices in venues that can be targets for hackers. Everything from refrigeration monitors, to air-conditioning unit controls, are all exposed to hackers through connection to the internet. Additionally, venues operate overlaid networks such as gaming systems, POS systems, sound systems, phone systems, Wi-Fi, security systems and multiple computer software packages. All are potential risks.

Speak to an expert who can help implement the Essential Eight and protect your business from professional hackers.

Talk to Jason Drew from Secom Technology Group – Ph: 1300 781 224

Microsoft Office 365 software forms an integral part of any modern business, but due to its market dominance, particularly emails, it has become a preferred attack method for professional hackers. Microsoft is constantly updating their platform security and providing IT professionals with additional tools to combat the sophisticated attacks.

How are the hackers accessing Microsoft Office 365?

Traditionally, Office 365 email security is based on complex password policies and regular password rotation, Microsoft enabled two-factor activations (2FA), and Microsoft Exchange online protection (EOP).

You would think that would be enough!

However, the focus for professional hackers is on social engineering, encouraging the end user to logon to a website that appears to be a genuine Microsoft page, and entering their username and password. Using this method, the 2FA is bypassed by stealing the users session token and gaining access to their Office 365 email account. Sometimes the account is simply monitored by the hacker who creates outlook rules for emails, allowing the hacker to impersonate the account holder. There are even more advanced attacks involving third party software integrating with the users email account directly.

A few years ago, Multifactor Authentication was seen as the silver bullet when it came to securing access but now the hackers have even worked around this.  It is difficult, but it’s not impossible.

New Added Microsoft Office 365 Security.

With these attacks Microsoft has lifted their security recommendations for the Office 365 platform:

  • Conditional access policies based on device / device compliance and the device location.
  • Long passwords with no rotation, such as phrases with a minimum of 16 characters
  • Defender for Office 365 – cloud-based email protection for your exchange server
  • Password (Less) Authentication – secondary login using Fingerprint / Authenticator App / unique device password.
  • Mobile device management.

These new standards form part of the cyber-security best practice outlined by the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) in the “Essential Eight Maturity Model”. The Essential Eight Maturity Model is based on ASD’s experience in producing cyber threat intelligence, responding to cyber security incidents, conducting penetration testing and assisting organisations to implement the Essential Eight.

Speak to an expert who can help implement the Essential Eight and protect your business from professional hackers.

Talk to Jason Drew from Secom Technology Group – Ph: 1300 781 224

Australia is recognised around the world as the “lucky country” because we are wealthy by international standards, so our businesses have become a growing target for hackers.  Experts at an international threat analysis company have ranked Australia as one of the most targeted countries at risk from devastating ransomware attacks.  Hotels, restaurants, and leisure services ranked among the Top 10 targeted industries.

Over the past few months local hospitality industry experts have identified several cases of hackers installing new malicious software called ‘PerfectData Software’ during hijackings of Microsoft 365 accounts. Industry IT Services specialist Jason Drew, CEO of Secom Technology Group, has already identified it in hacking attacks in several NSW clubs. 

How could my venue be at risk?

Did you know that one small casino in the USA was hacked through the thermometer in a fish tank?

“The attackers used that (a fish-tank thermometer) to get a foothold in the network”, a security expert explained.

“They then found the high-roller database and then pulled that back across the network, out the thermostat, and up to the cloud.”

This highlights the advice provided by Jason Drew, CEO of Secom Technology Group, in an interview at the 2023 Australasian Gaming Expo. Jason confirmed that there are many areas in clubs and pubs that provide opportunities for hackers.

“Hospitality venues hold large data sets of members personal information, with members and guests logging on to local open access Wi-Fi, common use Microsoft accounts and staff often sharing passwords. Every club uses Microsoft software, vulnerable to the new ‘PerfectData Software’ hack, with often limited control over accounts. In all clubs, protecting that data and accounts is critical”.

“We also have older systems that have moved to cloud-based solutions but are using hybrid hardware and firmware updates to support technology that was not designed to connect to the internet, such as our VoIP telephone systems.  They lack the IT security required in today’s world and the hackers know it”.

I guess we can include fish tanks in that list too!

Using a Managed IT service in your club or hotel gives the best security against hackers as these companies constantly monitor and update software patches to ensure there are no loopholes to exploit.

In addition, Managed IT Services, such as hospitality specialists Secom Technology Group, can complete Vulnerability Assessments and Penetration Testing to give you an overview of where you have areas in your systems and software that makes you vulnerable.

Why Is It Important for Businesses to Do Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing?

One of the best ways to ensure that your IT systems and applications are secure and resilient against cyber threats is by conducting regular vulnerability assessment and penetration testing on IT systems and applications. It is a security testing method that combines these two complementary approaches.

Vulnerability scanning is the process of identifying and analysing the vulnerabilities that exist in IT systems and applications. Vulnerability assessment tools scan the IT systems and applications for known vulnerabilities and provide a report on the severity, location, and description of each vulnerability.

Penetration testing, also known as a “pentest” or “ethical hacking,” is a manual technical test that goes beyond vulnerability scanning. The test identifies vulnerabilities (loopholes) on a system, network, or an application, and subsequently attempts to exploit those vulnerabilities. Penetration testers use various techniques and tools to exploit the vulnerabilities and gain unauthorised access or perform malicious actions on the system or application.

Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing provides businesses with a more comprehensive and realistic evaluation of their IT security than any single test alone.

Find out if your club is at risk today!

Secom Technology Group can complete a cybersecurity & vulnerability scan and penetration test (including an Executive Summary Report) to ensure your venue is secure.

Call Jason Drew at Secom Technology – Phone:  1300 781 224

Australia is recognised around the world as the “lucky country” because we are wealthy by international standards, so our businesses have become a growing target for hackers.  Experts at an international threat analysis company have ranked Australia as one of the most targeted countries at risk from devastating ransomware attacks.  Hotels, restaurants, and leisure services ranked among the Top 10 targeted industries.

A Senior Intelligence Analyst Ben Gestier from Flashpoint said Australia was “consistently among the most targeted countries” for such attacks.

“Safeguarding company assets from ransomware is crucial for Australian businesses,” Mr Gestier said.

“Businesses should all implement or constantly update their own threat readiness and response plans in order to prevent lasting damage.”

How could my venue be at risk?

Did you know that one small casino in the USA was hacked through the thermometer in a fish tank?

“The attackers used that (a fish-tank thermometer) to get a foothold in the network”, a security expert explained.

“They then found the high-roller database and then pulled that back across the network, out the thermostat, and up to the cloud.”

This highlights the advice provided by Jason Drew, CEO of Secom Technology Group, in an interview at the recent Australasian Gaming Expo. Jason confirmed that there are many areas in clubs and pubs that provide opportunities for hackers.

“Hospitality venues hold large data sets of members personal information, and with members and guests logging on to local open access Wi-Fi, and staff often sharing passwords to in-house systems among each other, protecting that data is critical”.

“We also have older systems that have moved to cloud-based solutions but are using hybrid hardware and firmware updates to support technology that was not designed to connect to the internet, such as our VoIP telephone systems.  They lack the IT security required in today’s world and the hackers know it”.

I guess we can include fish tanks in that list too!

Using a Managed IT service in your club or hotel gives the best security against hackers as these companies constantly monitor and update software patches to ensure there are no loopholes to exploit. In addition, Managed IT Services, such as hospitality specialists Secom Technology Group, can complete Vulnerability Assessments and Penetration Testing to give you an overview of where you have areas in your systems and software that makes you vulnerable.

Why Is It Important for Businesses to Do Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing?

One of the best ways to ensure that your IT systems and applications are secure and resilient against cyber threats is by conducting regular vulnerability assessment and penetration testing on IT systems and applications. It is a security testing method that combines two complementary approaches: vulnerability scanning and penetration testing.

Vulnerability scanning is the process of identifying and analysing the vulnerabilities that exist in IT systems and applications. Vulnerability assessment tools scan the IT systems and applications for known vulnerabilities and provide a report on the severity, location, and description of each vulnerability.

Penetration testing, also known as a “pentest” or “ethical hacking,” is a manual technical test that goes beyond vulnerability scanning. The test identifies vulnerabilities (loopholes) on a system, network, or an application, and subsequently attempts to exploit those vulnerabilities. Penetration testers use various techniques and tools to exploit the vulnerabilities and gain unauthorised access or perform malicious actions on the system or application.

Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing provides businesses with a more comprehensive and realistic evaluation of their IT security than any single test alone.

How long has it been since your club or hotel undertook a professional IT software and systems assessment?

Secom Technology Group can complete cybersecurity & vulnerability scan and penetration test (including an Executive Summary Report) to ensure your venue is secure.

Find out if your club is at risk today!

Call Jason Drew at Secom Technology – Phone:  1300 781 224

A new era dawns—one that demands vigilance, empathy, and a commitment to player well-being. The introduction of new RCG requirements in NSW has increased the focus on both player behaviour and cash movements.


Sint’s new PlayTrax gambling behaviour tracking tool is designed to assist with gaming machine-based alerts so that RGOs don’t miss what can often be minimally visible signs of escalating problem gambling behaviour.

Precision Metrics for Informed Decision-Making

Compliance with player harm minimisation regulations is non-negotiable. Playtrax, works independently from your gaming system, and uses a pre-determined play algorithm to determine gaming behavioural benchmarks. It takes the guesswork out of this critical aspect by providing gaming machine alerts to identify:

  • Carded / non-carded time at the machine.
  • Carded accumulated time at multiple machines.
  • Carded / non-carded one-off loss percentage.
  • Risk based alerts – amber / red levels.
  • Alerts notified through pager, app or email.

Can’t an RGO do the job without the machine alerts?

A large Sydney-based club (200+ machines) using PlayTrax and with RGO’s on their gaming floor, proved that the PlayTrax machine driven alerts assist the RGO’s by monitoring patterns and thresholds of gaming play that are often not visible while moving around the floor. In fact, the club had 78 accurate alerts through PlayTrax in one day last weekend, many that were missed by the RGOs.

For this club and their RGOs, Playtrax proved it wasn’t just software; it was an efficient working tool to support the RGOs in doing their job accurately.


CashTrax is an AML transaction monitoring detection and reporting software tool using an AI based machine-learning process that analyses suspicious gaming activity and irregular player behaviours that deviate from an accepted baseline, and reports against a venue threshold measurement.

In simple terms, you set up an initial benchmark for player spending behaviours and the system learns and develops to the point where it can differentiate between normal and irregular behaviour. That means no more pages and pages of false reports are flagged that take up time and resources to investigate.

CashTrax then collates and compiles all irregular transactional data and reports, which enable easy access for further investigation and reporting if required. And, you know that they are all true suspicious activities, not false positives. If you already have the Notify Me paging system in your venue it now supports the new CashTrax software.

For more information and a product demonstration call Jason Drew at Sint Group – Phone:  1300 175 994

The RGO Mandate: A Closer Look

Effective from July 1, 2024, clubs and hotels in NSW with more than 20 gaming machines must appoint at least one RGO during operational hours. These officers are not mere observers; they are guardians of responsible gambling practices. With the introduction of the RGO role, the focus will change from a player putting up their hand if they feel they are having trouble with their play levels, to the club or pub being responsible for identifying players that may be having issues and proactively assisting them.

The RGO role extends beyond compliance—it’s about fostering a safe and enjoyable gaming environment. The RGOs will need to engage with patrons, to listen, and to proactively detect signs of potential harm. It requires that the RGOs have both a higher level of training in identifying problem gambling behaviours and have the emotional intelligence to deal with players in a way that avoids embarrassment, incorrect assumptions, and judgement.

Advanced training and a useful tool to help RGOs do their jobs properly is a minimum expectation to assist gaming floor staff in clubs and hotels from July 1.

Sint’s new PlayTrax™ gambling behaviour tracking tool is designed to assist with gaming machine-based alerts so that RGOs don’t miss what can often be minimally visible signs of escalating gambling behaviour.

Precision Metrics for Informed Decision-Making

Compliance with player harm minimisation regulations is non-negotiable. PlayTrax, works independently from your gaming system, and uses multiple imbedded algorithms to determine gaming behavioural benchmarks.

It takes the guesswork out of this critical aspect by providing gaming machine alerts to identify:

  • Carded / non-carded time at the machine.
  • Carded accumulated time at multiple machines.
  • Carded / non-carded one-off loss percentage.
  • Risk based alerts – amber / red levels.
  • Alerts notified through pager, app or email.

Can’t an RGO do the job without the machine alerts?

A large Sydney-based club (200+ machines) already using PlayTrax and with RGO’s on their gaming floor ahead of the regulation change, proved that the PlayTrax machine driven alerts assist the RGO’s by monitoring patterns and thresholds of gaming play that are often not visible while moving around the floor. In fact, the club had 78 accurate alerts through PlayTrax in one day last weekend, many that were missed by the RGOs.

Both the club’s management team, and the RGOs, were surprised at the number of accurate PlayTrax alerts they received based on what they thought they were observing manually.

For this club and their RGOs, PlayTrax proved that data led alerts, coupled with evidence based responses, was an effective working tool to support the RGOs in doing their job appropriately and ensuring the club meets their compliance obligations.

For clubs and pubs in NSW responsible gambling is no longer a buzzword—it’s a shared responsibility. Investigate how PlayTrax can help your RGOs.

Call Jason Drew at Sint Group – Phone:  1300 175 994

It’s a busy weekend and the club carpark is quickly filling up with members coming for dinner and a show. By 7pm when all the spaces are taken, five of your valued top tier customers turn up to spend the next 4-5 hours at your club and discover the car park is full. The next club is only a short drive away, so they drive off to spend the evening at your competitor’s venue. What did that just cost your business?

Parking is a vital component of the customer service delivery at all clubs, particularly in the major and large coastal cities where parking is limited. Many clubs now offer a VIP Parking section within their carparks to ensure the most supportive customers have space available, but technology is now available that makes this an even more significant personalised service for those members.

Sint’s Park.Me Wi-Fi car park management system connects to your in-house gaming / membership systems and offers smart management of the car parking facilities that can ensure all your valuable customers are accommodated effectively on busy nights and you don’t lose out to a competing business.

How has parking changed?

Technology is accelerating change in car park management. Simple parking management systems have been available for some time that allow members to swipe for entry through a boom gate into a carpark, but these let cars in based on an entry/exit count and can be incorrect. Customers become frustrated driving around a car park looking for a spot and end up driving away frustrated by the experience.

The contemporary solutions, that are often seen in shopping centre carparks, include overhead red/green lights above spaces, and individual space counting equipment that have expensive cabling needs for both power and lighting. This is a financial barrier for most clubs.

Sint has solved this cost barrier with their Park.Me wireless car park management system that uses the latest RF (radio frequency) technology and extended battery life capabilities to reduce extensive cabling costs and entry barriers.

With Sint’s Park.Me system you can either utilise members cards to swipe for entry, or the system can use number plate recognition. Both options will reference back to the club’s gaming system for accurate member validation and streamlines the process for customers. No more swiping issues frustrating top tier members.

Park.Me unique advantages

The technology advantages offered by Park.Me ensure you can use your car park more effectively and offer a VIP service experience to your members. Here are a few of the club specific advantages

  • Members swipe facilities with added tier and points spend capabilities.
  • Full integration with in-house gaming and paging systems
  • Monitoring car park occupancy precisely, per space, NOT just entry/exit counting.
  • Traditional ticket systems that include payment for guests if you want to make money from commuters during the day.
  • Detailed reporting.
  • Integrated App capabilities for members App showing location availability.

To find out how you can make parking a better customer experience using Sint’s Park.Me Technology contact:

1300 175 994 (Australian wide)

+61 2 8985 9706 (International)

In a recent Australian Financial Review article the new AUSTRAC Chief Executive, Brandan Thomas, confirmed his departments plan to “crackdown on the laundering of dirty money” and target “the estimated $70 billion fed into poker machines in NSW clubs each year”.

“We’re having a look at the clubs sector in a much more focused way,” Mr Thomas said in his first interview since beginning a five-year term in January. “They’re quite substantial with lots of money flowing.”

This follows on from recent investigations into AML/CTF issues in Australian casinos and international bookmakers such as Bet35 for failing to comply with AML/CTF laws.

Keeping track of instances of AML in clubs is difficult but Sint’s CashTrax compliance tool can actively assist and becomes a powerful business tool for managers and gaming floor staff in clubs and hotels. Most gaming systems can only highlight triggers when players are carded or use a general and non-specific trigger to identify non-carded play. Sint’s CashTrax for monitoring cash anomalies, and PlayTrax for harmful gaming behavioural patterns, can monitor both carded and non-carded play and is integrated with your gaming and operational systems.


CashTrax is an AML transaction monitoring, detection and reporting software tool using an AI based machine-learning process that analyses suspicious gaming activity and irregular player behaviours that deviate from an accepted baseline, and reports against a venue threshold measurement.

In simple terms, you set up an initial benchmark for player spending behaviours in your club, combined with OLGR thresholds, and the system learns and develops to the point where it can differentiate between ‘normal’ and ‘irregular’ behaviours. That means no more pages and pages of false reports are flagged that take up time and resource costs to investigate.

CashTrax then collates and compiles all irregular transactional data and reports, which enables easy access for further investigation and reporting if required. And, you know that they are all true suspicious activities, not false positives.

CashTrax can also operate within your Notify Me paging system from Sint or integrated into your existing paging system, gaming systems and other operational systems.

Notifications and alerts can be directed to managers via paging, SMS, or email, with documentation of the incident being entered live and uploaded to the venues preferred operational reporting platform.


Sint’s new PlayTrax gambling behaviour tracking tool is designed to assist with gaming machine-based alerts so that RGOs don’t miss what can often be minimally visible signs of escalating problem gambling behaviour.

PlayTrax, works independently from your gaming system, and uses a pre-determined play algorithm to determine gaming behavioural benchmarks. It takes the guesswork out of this critical aspect by providing gaming machine alerts to identify:

  • Carded / non-carded time at the machine.
  • Carded accumulated time at multiple machines.
  • Carded / non-carded one-off loss percentage.
  • Risk based alerts – amber / red levels.
  • Alerts notified through pager, app or email.

A large Sydney-based club (200+ machines) already using PlayTrax and with RGO’s on their gaming floor ahead of the regulation change, proved that the PlayTrax machine driven alerts assist the RGO’s by monitoring patterns and thresholds of gaming play that are often not visible while moving around the floor. In fact, the club had 78 accurate alerts through PlayTrax in one day last weekend, many that were missed by the RGOs.

Both the club’s management team, and the RGOs, were surprised at the number of accurate PlayTrax alerts they received based on what they thought they were observing manually.

For this club and their RGOs, Playtrax proved it wasn’t just software; it was an efficient working tool to support the RGOs in doing their job accurately.

Find our more about CashTrax and PlayTrax…

Call Jason Drew at Sint Group – Phone:  1300 175 994

The RGO Mandate: A Closer Look

Effective from July 1, 2024, clubs and hotels in NSW with more than 20 gaming machines must appoint at least one RGO during operational hours. These officers are not mere observers; they are guardians of responsible gambling practices. With the introduction of the RGO role, the focus will change from a player putting up their hand if they feel they are having trouble with their play levels, to the club or pub being responsible for identifying players that may be having issues and proactively assisting them.

The RGO role extends beyond compliance—it’s about fostering a safe and enjoyable gaming environment. The RGOs will need to engage with patrons, to listen, and to proactively detect signs of potential harm. It requires that the RGOs have both a higher level of training in identifying problem gambling behaviours and have the emotional intelligence to deal with players in a way that avoids embarrassment, incorrect assumptions, and judgement.

Advanced training and a useful tool to help RGOs do their jobs properly is a minimum expectation to assist gaming floor staff in clubs and hotels from July 1.

Sint’s new PlayTrax™ gambling behaviour tracking tool is designed to assist with gaming machine-based alerts so that RGOs don’t miss what can often be minimally visible signs of escalating gambling behaviour.

Precision Metrics for Informed Decision-Making

Compliance with player harm minimisation regulations is non-negotiable. PlayTrax, works independently from your gaming system, and uses multiple imbedded algorithms to determine gaming behavioural benchmarks.

It takes the guesswork out of this critical aspect by providing gaming machine alerts to identify:

  • Carded / non-carded time at the machine.
  • Carded accumulated time at multiple machines.
  • Carded / non-carded one-off loss percentage.
  • Risk based alerts – amber / red levels.
  • Alerts notified through pager, app or email.

Can’t an RGO do the job without the machine alerts?

A large Sydney-based club (200+ machines) already using PlayTrax and with RGO’s on their gaming floor ahead of the regulation change, proved that the PlayTrax machine driven alerts assist the RGO’s by monitoring patterns and thresholds of gaming play that are often not visible while moving around the floor. In fact, the club had 78 accurate alerts through PlayTrax in one day last weekend, many that were missed by the RGOs.

Both the club’s management team, and the RGOs, were surprised at the number of accurate PlayTrax alerts they received based on what they thought they were observing manually.

For this club and their RGOs, PlayTrax proved that data led alerts, coupled with evidence based responses, was an effective working tool to support the RGOs in doing their job appropriately and ensuring the club meets their compliance obligations.

For clubs and pubs in NSW responsible gambling is no longer a buzzword—it’s a shared responsibility. Investigate how PlayTrax can help your RGOs.

Call Jason Drew at Sint Group – Phone:  1300 175 994

Any business that runs a restaurant or two will know how important it is to deliver food fast to your customers. Many busy club and hotel restaurants already use paging systems where customers pick up a pager that buzzes when their meal is ready to pick up from the kitchen. The reason they came to your restaurant is because they didn’t feel like cooking and here we are making them work for their dinner, instead of serving them.  Table tracking systems come in handy to ensure that your staff can find your customers quickly, especially when your restaurant is busy or has a large seating area.

What is a Table Tracking System?

A table tracking system is a device that identifies where your customers are sitting, so you can deliver their food to their table. For example, you can ask your customers to place their tracker on their table, and the tracker will send their location to a display in the kitchen or the counter. Or you can use sensors or RFID tags on the tables to detect where the tracker is placed.

Table Tracking – The Benefits

Using a Table tracking System provides several benefits to both the customers (the first priority in hospitality) and the club or hotel (a financial imperative):

  • Your customers can sit wherever they want: Using table tracking allows your customers to choose where they want to sit. They can sit in the restaurant, out on the deck, or in the main lounge – wherever they feel most comfortable. Your staff will be able to find them quickly anywhere.
  • Faster and more accurate food delivery: You can reduce the time it takes to deliver food to your customers as your staff can easily locate them by looking at the display ensuring your customers receive their food hot and fresh.
  • Improved customer satisfaction and retention: You can enhance the customer experience by allowing them to relax at their table instead of standing in line or looking for staff. You can also increase customer loyalty by providing them with better service quality and consistency.
  • Increased productivity and efficiency: You can optimise the workflow of your staff by eliminating the need to search for customers or call out their names. You can also increase the turnover rate of your tables by reducing the waiting time for customers.
  • Enhanced management and analytics: You can monitor the performance of your staff and your restaurant by collecting data on delivery times, order status, and customer feedback. You can also identify areas for improvement by analysing trends and patterns.

Things to Consider when implementing a Table Tracking System

Sint are hospitality industry specialists who have provided paging (Notify.Me) and table tracking (Locate.Me) systems across clubs, pubs and restaurants in Australia for many years. Their expertise can ensure you have a table tracking system that covers the main points to consider when purchasing a system that is right for your restaurant:

  • Wi-Fi Signal Strength: By far the biggest consideration for any Table Tracking System is ensuring reliable coverage and Wi-Fi signal strength, so it is important to find a company with a background in IT and technical products.
  • Consider your budget: Sint’s Locate.Me Table Tracking System is scalable to fit within the budget of restaurants of any size.
  • Reliability of Service: Sint’s Locate.Me table tracking system uses quality trackers that are durable, reliable, water-proof and serviced by their local factory.

The Locate.Me F&B tracking system takes the guesswork out of hospitality service and tracks your customer, not their table, so they are free to sit anywhere they are comfortable once they order food or beverage. Locate.Me will increase your staff efficiency, and make your guests feel that they are being attended to by a service that is fast, efficient and cares about them, contributing to a more positive member experience at your club and boosting the chance of return visits.

It’s so simple!

Order                    Hand your guest a smart table flag when they order.

Relax                     Guests can wander your venue finding their preferred location.

Locate                   Staff view the location of the guest on any web browser.

Deliver                 Food and drinks are delivered fast and fresh!

To find out more about how Locate.Me can work for your venue contact:

SINT:  Australia-wide 1300 175 994